No waiting by Box Office or on hold by Call Center aka Ticket Master. Maybe offer Consecution Stand Air Vents full of popcorn Smell rigged to travel into the theater. Movies these days are longer aka with Digital Theater System you don’t have to worry about higher parking rates. We start with hanging Surround Sound mounted to wall brackets or from the ceiling. Using cables and make shift standing .
Why not upscale visitors combos at the Consecution stand if you have the room. Or other Impulse purchase buying items like Arcade room/ Movie Games. And then there all the Life size company product promotional materials. Rising tier of seating to view Wide Screen.
Tower speaker/on option stand with adjustable feet.
The identical Dead Center speaker
The main front Left speaker
The main front Right speaker
Left Surround sound speaker (Note are usually placed six feet above the ground)
Right Surround sound speaker (Note are usually placed six feet above the ground)
Sub woofer (Note is a low frequency effect.) There’s the 3D Glasses Movie offers meaning visual images coming out the screen frame format. Then there’s the Amplifiers, meaning more clear without distortion. Digital A/V Receiver meaning - Muti channel operation performance.
Then there’s the Laser disc, The DTS encoded CD’s and laser disc and DTS Processor. At home the distance are much smaller then Movie theaters who have a big space to fill some times. With DTS there’s the Direct Title Replay, While Disc Replay and Removable AC Power Cord.You have the option of getting the Universal Remote Control meaning to control Components, Movie selection, the show time and the Volume.
A Manual easy to follow meaning detail offers. A Film Projector Video screen. No feet but Bose does provide stick on rubber pads, which as learned the hard way! - are needed to prevent the tiny cubes from dancing around during loud listening sessions. The Jewel cubes are available in black and white. Cabinet door/ window/ with shelf’s took the craftsman hours to build.
With a Equipment budget of $10,000.00 to get the sound add picture you want the grocery list is
A T.V signal
An Audio signal
A phone line for the DSS Receiver
Extra 3 feet of speaker wire in case the speaker’s location has to be change
Watch different programs simultaneously. Registering the second DSS receiver with Direct T.V. Tops off the remaining port with attainting resistor to release signal degradation. Installing the projector mounting plate.
Two yrs ago, the sound room would have recommended a conventional three- been video projector over a single lens LCD variety like the sharp. But things change fast in the high tech world. These LCD projectors are getting more pixels every generation. The price/ performance ratio is not great at $5,000.00.
The Video Projector is mounted and secured to the ceiling using a lug bolt and six screws. Improving, a plumb line is used to fix the center of the 100 inch screen. The A/V Receiver is position on the shelf inside the wall unit that was custom built for the new system .(Plugging in headphones optional)
It’s all the little details that make the real difference in the overall performance in the overall performance of an A/V system. The subwoofer is isolated on the concrete which prevents it from rattling the cabinet. The people on the screen are huge; they’re bigger than we are. The system isn’t life size – It’s bigger than life.